- Fox, William L., "The Kinship; after much rumination, Robert Beckmann unveils his though provoking Atomic Age Paintings", Nevada Public Radio: Desert Companion, Fall/Winter, 2007
- Fox, William L., In the Desert of Desire (book), University of Nevada Press, Reno, 2005
- Miller, Greg Blake, "Painting the Town," HENDERSON AT 50" August 2003
- Dickensheets, Scott, "Creating Chaos," LAS VEGAS LIFE, October 2001
- Dickensheets, Scott, "Body and Soul", LAS VEGAS LIFE, November, 2001
- Pagel, David, VEGAS VANITAS (Catalogue), University of Nevada, Las Vegas,September, 2001
- Dickensheets, Scott, "Vegas Sublime", LAS VEGAS LIFE, July, 2000
- Fox, William L., DRIVING BY MEMORY (book), University of New Mexico Press,Albuquerque, 1999
- Fox, William L., MAPPING THE EMPTY (book), University of Nevada Press, Reno, 1999
- Duncan, Michael, 4-Way Stop (Catalogue), Donna Beam Fine Art Gallery, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, February 9 – March 6, 1998
- Knaff, Devorah L., "Haunting Childhood Images Fill his Canvases", On Art, THE PRESS-ENTERPRISE, San Diego, CA , October 26, 1997
- Hahn, Cheryl H., "Nuclear Cities", ART PAPERS, Atlanta, GA , July/August, 1997
- Marger, M., "Atomic Art", ST. PETERSBURG TIMES, FL, August 8, 1997
- Costello,Kevin, "2.33 Seconds", Art Beat, PELICAN PRESS, Sarasota, FL, July 31, 1997
- Altabe, Joan, "House Embodies Many Possibilities", SARASOTA HERALD- TRIBUNE, FL, July 18, 1997
- Milani, Joanne, "Cold War Hits Home in Exhibit", TAMPA TRIBUNE, FL, July 18, 1997
- McTaggart, Tom, "BAM the Bomb",EASTSIDE WEEK, Bellevue, WA, March 19, 1997
- Boylan, John, "Exhibit Unveils our Nuclear Family", EASTSIDE JOURNAL, Bellevue, WA, March 19, 1997
- Thorson, Alice, "Ignore the Exhibit but look at the Art", KANSAS CITY STAR, MO, August 30, 1996
- Arsenieva, Zinaida, "Secret Material" (a review) , CHAS PIK (Rush Hour) Daily Newspaper, Saint Petersburg,
Russia, July 11, 1996
- Lowe, Charlotte, "A Riveting Look at Destruction", ARIZONA CITIZEN, Tucson, February 8, 1996
- Portwood, Pamela, "Beckmann's Series on A-bomb Strikes Terror", STARART, ARIZONA DAILY STAR,
Tucson, February 9, 1996
- Zavitas, Steven T., NEW AMERICAN PAINTINGS (book), The First Open Studios Western Competition, Number V,
Open Studios Press, Needham, Mass., 1995
- Drake, Nicholas, "Eve of the Atom", ART PAPERS, Atlanta, GA, September/October 1995
- Potters, Merilyn, "Into the Sublime with Beckmann", LAS VEGAS MAGAZINE, NV, May, 1995
- Field, Richard S., "Contemporary Emblems", Reinventing the Emblem, (Catalogue), Yale University Art Gallery,
New Haven, CT, January 20, 1995
- Mills, Kerry, "Art in View", V MAGAZINE, Roanoke, Virginia, December, 1995
- Caniglia, Julie, "Nuclear Legacy : 50 years under the cloud ", CITY PAGES, Minneapolis, MN, July 12,1995
- Burchard, Hank, "Zany Exhibition Rises from Communism's Rubble", WASHINGTON POST, DC,December 30, 1994
- Dickensheets, Scott, "Anxiety, Alchemy, A-Bombs Mix in Artist's Recent Work", LAS VEGAS SUN, Nevada,
November 25, 1994
- HARPERS (magazine), color reproduction of four paintings, New York City, May 1994.
- Levin, Kim, "Voice Choices - Art: Robert Beckmann", The VILLAGE VOICE, New York City, February 22, 1994
- Remnick, David, "Renegade Artists with an Eye for the Subversive", WASHINGTON POST, DC, Sunday July 15, 1993
- Macias, Sandra, "Atomized Artistry", Reno Gazette-Journal, September 26, 1993
- Lumpkin, Libby, "Robert Beckmann's Post Faustian Las Vegas", NICA NEWS (Nevada Institute for Contemporary Art),
Las Vegas, Fall, 1991
- Hickey, Dave, "Augustine In Las Vegas",VIVA LAS VEGAS (Catalogue), Mark Masuokoa Gallery, Las Vegas, NV,
June 21 – August 3, 1991
- Sandberg-Diment, Erik, "Machine-Aided Art", The New York Times, New York City, March 24, 1987
- Dean, Hoadley, "Walled In By B-17 Flying Fortresses", Frontiers (Frontier Airlines Magazine), Denver, Colorado July, 1985
- After the Battle (magazine) London, England, February 15, 1983, #39
- Nairn, Janet, "Adaptive-Reuse of Garage into Office Building", Architectural Record(magazine), New York City,
December, 1982
- Sourcebook of Architectural Ornament (book), Reinhold and Co., New York City, 1982
- Clurman, Irene, "Muralist Succeeds in The Real World", Rocky Mountain News-Arts now, Denver, Colorado,
January, 25, 1981
- Morrison, Jane Ann, "Next, Hoover Dam", Nevada (Magazine), Carson City, Winter, 1979
- Murphy, Maripat, "Dialogue-Interview", Emphasis, Western State Arts Foundation Newsletter, Denver, Colorado, 1979